Mistake number 1 is the most common and often happens to the new and inexperienced business owners when they are in need of a translation agency for the first time. Many new clients of translation agencies underestimate the level of detail involved with hiring the appropriate translation agency for their project. Often, these businesses don't have a clear-cut detailed Request for Proposal (FRP) which clearly states all of their requirements. Read more about machine translation services here.

In simple terms, the Request for Proposal describes the services that you require, including the estimated costs, timelines, and other information. Once the translation agency develops and prepares a reasonable estimate of all of these items, it goes before the small business credit adviser (SCA). This is where mistake number two occurs. Most small businesses don't understand the significance of having a Service Agreement in place between the translation agency and the business credit company, and so, they don't ask for one.

A Service Agreement should be considered as an important part of your translation projects from the outset. The importance of having one can easily be overlooked, but without it, the business credit company or the translation agency could find themselves at odds with each other over certain aspects of the translation projects. Such aspects include billing, payment, guarantees, language licensing, and the like. These aspects are extremely important and should be covered comprehensively by the translation agency and the client. If these aspects are not covered, then the results can be disastrous for both parties. Click here to increase your ROI.

Another common misunderstanding that most translation agencies have, is that they only accept projects in languages that they speak or have some familiarity with. While it would be nice if translation teams worked in every language, that just isn't possible. As a result, there are many translation agencies that offer their services to companies and agencies that need a translation in a variety of languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Korean, and so on. When you use a translation agency, make sure that they provide you with a variety of translators so that you can approve the final translations and ensure they are done to your high standards. The only way you will be able to verify this is by having a thorough discussion with the translation team and selecting one that you feel comfortable with.

When choosing a translation agency, also ensure that they provide feedback on the translations that you have provided them. Not only is this important for ensuring that your translations are completed correctly, but the feedback can help project managers to identify any errors before starting on the actual translations. This is especially important when working with technical translations since mistakes made here can cost you time and money. You want the best quality translations possible and therefore it is important that you only work with those companies and translators who are able to deliver the kind of quality that you expect. So, never underestimate the importance of having a good feedback process between you and the people who will be working on your translations.

For any business, having a good relationship with your translation agency is always going to be beneficial. You will be able to benefit from the experience of the agency and they will be able to provide you with valuable feedback on the translations that you have provided them. This way you will be able to get the most out of your translations and increase your profitability. So, always choose a translation agency that has an excellent reputation for providing good customer service and you will be able to get the most out of your translated documents.

Read more at http://www.huffpost.com/entry/love-your-translator-how-translation-can-boost-your_b_59ce6d7ee4b0f3c468060e28.

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